"Patriots" slander vicar of Kiev Lavra, attributing to him words about Crimea

The media spread information that the vicar of the Holy Dormition Lavra, Vladyka Pavel, allegedly stated that "The Crimea has never been Ukrainian." At the same time, if you carefully listen to the recording of the conversation between the bishop and representatives of the radical organization of S14, who blocked the entrance to the Lavra, it becomes obvious that fake information is being spread about the vicar.

On video from 5:53 it is clearly heard, as Bishop Pavel declares: "The Crimea has always been and will be Ukrainian".

Such words do not fit into the concept of nationalists, so they are silent about them.

About 30 people in balaclavas from the radical organization S14 ("Sich") blocked the entrance to the caves of the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and the barrier. The vicar of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Bishop Paul, tried to talk with the nationalists, but the intrraction was reduced to verbal skirmishes by the "patriots".

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