"Cyborg" details how UOC organized a prisoner exchange
Biloshitsky said that he and his colleague, the volunteer Viktor Kononenko, initiated the idea of a prisoner exchange and appealed for support to Metropolitan Nikodim of Zhitomir and Novograd-Volynsky, and, having received his blessing, went to Kiev to His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry of Kiev and All Ukraine.
According to him, many hierarchs of the UOC participated in the process: both the Primate and the Chancellor of the UOC, Metropolitan Anthony of Borispol and Brovary, Archbishop Clement of Nezhin and Priluki, Bishop Viktor Baryshevsky and other bishops.
He explained that the Primate headed the negotiations on behalf of the UOC. "His Beatitude Onufry is everything, as a leader, he took the lead, he did everything nicely. This proves once again that this man is not just popular among us, the flock, but he is one of the world's top ten powerful monks," he said.
He also explained that earlier some users of social networks expressed dissatisfaction that the "cyborgs" in gratitude for the release of Taras Kolody gave the Primate the flag as a gift with the signatures of fighters of the 90th separate airmobile battalion. "The flag is not worth what His Beatitude Onufry has done to date. Everyone who said something to me – I read the Bible, I forgive everyone," he said.
Earlier, Archbishop Clement of Nezhin and Priluki reported that the UOC, taking the most active part in the exchange of prisoners, distances itself from the political component of this process.
The prisoner exchange took place on December 27 in the "306-for-74" format.
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