Ruslana and Uniates to organize show during service in KP church

Ruslana Lyzhychko announced a concert at the Konotop Church of the Nativity the Most Holy Theotokos (Kyiv Patriarchate). The singer will conduct a male chapel choir.

"I'm very happy that we, together with the L. Revutsky choir, are preparing for everyone a Christmas musical miracle - the Festive Service of God, " the singer wrote on her Facebook page.

Despite the fact that the church belongs to the Kyiv Patriarchate, the Greek Catholic priest Vasily Rudeyko, with whom the singer "went through the Maidan", helps Ruslana to organize the performance.

"We took the most outstanding prayers and chants from the all-night service – "Our Father ", " Mother of God and Virgin, rejoice", "O, Gladsome Light", "Holy God", "Hallelujah" – and made the author's versions, stylizing the ancient prayer chants of the Byzantine period," wrote Ruslana.

In the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, they say that the show that Ruslana presents as "The Prayer of Light" will begin after the service. However, the singer said that her premiere would be "during the Festive Evening Divine Service".

As it is known, from the Ruslana chants listed in the All-Night Vigil there is only "O, Gladsome Light" and " Mother of God and Virgin, rejoice", the rest are in the rite of the Liturgy.

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