Schism should be healed, not legitimized, – Ecumenical Patriarch

The Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary, met with the Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew in his residence at Phanar, while on a visit to Istanbul, reports the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

During the meeting, the sides discussed the situation in Ukrainian Orthodoxy. Vladyka Anthony assured the Ecumenical Patriarch that the UOC is open to dialogue and ready to do everything possible to overcome the church schism.

Patriarch Bartholomew agreed with the Chancellor of the UOC that any schisms in the Church should be resolved on the basis of church canons rather than political expediency. Church schism should be healed and overcome, but not legitimized: otherwise it is impossible to achieve real, and not superficial unity of the Church.

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople conveyed greetings to the Ukrainian people on the occasion of the upcoming Christmas holiday.

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