The Holy Mountain grieves over the split in the Ukrainian Church, – Abbot of Vatoped

Athos grieves a lot over Filaret-initiated schism of the Ukrainian Church. It was told by Abbot of Vatoped monastery Ephraim in his address to Ukrainians, published on Youtube channel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

According to the abbot, the split cuts like scissors, and the one who adopted schism must understand: they are already outside the bosom of the Church.

"Therefore, we ask all our brothers who have left the canonical Church to return to the fold of the Orthodox Canonical Church," the elder said.

An interview with Archimandrite Ephraim is the third in the cycle "The Word to Ukrainians". Earlier, the addresses of Metropolitan of the Mesogaian and Lavraotikian Orthodox Church of Greece, Nikolaos (Hadjinikolau) and Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilus III were published.

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