Sects first "bomb with love" and then rip you off, – expert

In Ukraine, neo-charismatic sects, which manipulate people's minds to further rip them off, are rapidly spreading, said the well-known Ukrainian sectologist, Professor of Theology at the Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary Viktor Chernyshov at the first session of this year with participants of the anti-sectarian Centre "Nadezhda" ("Hope").

He noted that sects play on the vanity of people in order to obtain material benefits. "These people are simply cheated on, sometimes stripped off," the sectologist said. "Tithing is compulsory in such organizations. In addition to that, there are various fees associated with missionary projects, various exactions and the like. The financial background is very powerful in these organizations."

To subordinate the man, destructive sects use "control of consciousness."

"According to the detailed academic definition, it is deliberate enforced psyche and behaviour management to achieve the manipulator's selfish goals using the technique of behaviour modification without the informed consent of controlled people," explained the KTA&S professor. "Practically all of these organizations use mind control. Classical sects do not do so. This is not done by Adventists, Pentecostals. While, let’s just say, Scientologists, the "Church of Christ", the Boston movement of McKean, neo-charismatics and a host of other sects of totalitarian orientation, necessarily practice this, including the so-called "bombing with love". Human behaviour is modelled. The illusion of brotherhood, mutual understanding, warmth, support, and acceptance is created. And it all starts working."

The expert noted that the process of leaving the sect is very painful for an adept because of a psychological hang-up deeply rooted in him/her: if you leave the organization – this is betrayal, unfaithfulness. People who leave one sect usually begin to migrate from one sect to another, seeking support and acceptance.

"In order to rehabilitate such a person, a team is needed, one rehabilitation specialist cannot cope," Professor Chernyshov believes. "There should be a lawyer, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a priest, a religious expert, a sociologist. That is, there must be a whole complex of rehabilitation activities and, of course, the desire of the adept himself/herself to break out of the clinging hands of the sect."

Classes are held at the "Nadezhda" Centre every Saturday in one of the KTA&S buildings. Here, everyone can learn more about destructive cults, social, state, criminal, mental and medical dangers of various sects and get initial knowledge about how to resist the manipulation of sectarians.

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