Gender ideology threatens freedom more than Communist one, – religious expert

Expanding the state's capacity to intervene in family affairs to support the ideology of sexual minorities violates human freedom and the inviolability of family life, said Vladimir Legoyda, Chairman of the Synodal Department for the Relations of the Church with Society and the Media, writes Православие.RU.

The "Preamble" of the Convention on the Rights of the Child "states that" a child needs to grow up in a family environment for the full and harmonious development of his personality. "Today we see that a number of states proceed from a false presumption that parents are knowingly dangerous for their children," said V.R. Legoida.

According to the Chairman of the Department for Relations between the Church and the Society and the Media, in this case, the powers that be are acting against common interests, artificially planting a gender ideology shared by a minority of the population, which is an attempt on human freedom and the right of parents to educate children in accordance with their worldview beliefs.

"In the history of our country there were times when the family was completely disregarded by the state if it did not raise children in the communist ideology. Now this is repeated, but within the framework of another ideology, which threatens genuine human freedom no less or maybe more than the communist one," concluded V.R. Legoida.

According to the Bill on the Support of Children, Youth and the Family of 2017 (Bill 89), adopted by the Canadian province of Ontario, such concepts as "gender identity" and "gender expression" are the main factors that must be taken into account when children are withdrawn from their parents. In particular, if the child wishes to change his/her sex, the parents, in accordance with the new law, are obliged to provide him with access to all necessary medical services.

The state also receives additional rights to intervene in affairs of the family in order to support the ideology of sexual minorities. For example, if parents openly oppose the ideology of the LGBT community, while their child, according to the opinion of outsiders, reveals a homosexual behavior.

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