The Cabinet of Ministers proposes to introduce alternative service in case of mobilization

On June 8, the Cabinet of Ministers submitted to the Parliament bill № 6564, which provides for both the possibility of alternative service and deferment of military service for priests during mobilization, reports the Institute of Religious Freedom.

"Citizens who cannot undergo military service on grounds of religious beliefs and who do not have the right to deferral from military service during mobilization may, in case of need, perform alternative (non-military) service in accordance with the procedure established by law," as specified in Article 8(4) of the bill.

In addition, Article 9 of the draft law provides that deferment of call-up for military service during mobilization is granted to citizens who are clergymen who have completed higher or secondary spiritual education institutions and hold a position in religious organizations operating under the statute (regulation) registered in due course for the whole period of their service as a clergyman (such persons may be called up for military service if they agree).

This rule is similar to the provisions of Article 17(13) of the Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service", which for today provides for deferred compulsory service for the continuation of professional activities.

Representatives of various Churches and religious organizations also spoke in support of the above mentioned amendments to the current legislation.

Lexo gjithashtu

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