Ukrainians do not want the authorities to appoint priests to them, – poll

This is evidenced by the results of the survey, presented in the press centre of the Ukrainian News.
42.1% of respondents clearly do not support this initiative, 17.6% – rather not support, 6.7% – clearly support, 9.8% – rather support, and 23.8% of respondents found it difficult to answer the question.
The survey was conducted from May 26 to June 1 in all regions of Ukraine (in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions conducted on the Ukraine-controlled territory, in the Crimea it was not conducted). A total of 1,217 adult respondents were interviewed using the personal interview method at home. The statistical error does not exceed 3%.
As reported by the UOJ, bills № 4128 and № 4511 may become not only a new occasion for accusations of violations of religious rights by Ukraine, but also a "trigger" for irreversible decisions that can destroy the statehood of Ukraine as such.
Lexo gjithashtu

UGO hap një degë në SHBA
Organizata evropiane "Bashkimi i Gazetarëve Orthodhoksë" hapi një degë në Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës.

UGO hap një degë në Bullgari
Organizata evropiane "Bashkimi i Gazetarëve Orthodhoksë" hapi një degë në Republikën e Bullgarisë.
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Fjala e Primatit të ri të Kishës Shqiptare z.Iaonis
Me përulësi duke ju bindur vullnetit hyjnor pranoj këtë shërbim të lart dhe premtoj që do ta zbatoj me devoshmëri detyrën time kryepriftërore.
Çfarë presin kleri i Kishës së Shqipërisë nga kryepeshkopi i tyre i ri
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