Radicals in Kolomyia, terrorizing UOC, admit that Jews are their enemies

The right-wing radical group "Right Youth", who spoke in Kolomyia against the UOC, opened chauvinistic views in their propaganda materials and got caught in a fake.

For example, representatives of the organization stated in the leaflet that the Ukrainians are financing their enemy, saying that this enemy is "not only of Jewish origin."

Further, the radicals repeated the fake, which the opponents of the UOC had repeatedly fallen for: that allegedly in one of Poltava churches there is an image of Peter the Great treading the Ukrainian flag. While in fact, under the hoofs of the imperial horse, the flag of Sweden was depicted (it was the Swedes that the Russian Empire under Peter's leadership defeated in the Battle of Poltava in 1709).

In conclusion, the members of the "Right Youth" gave it away that the Ukrainian military are at war in the Donbass, "so that YOUR loved ones are not called in the next wave of mobilization". As is known, the Ukrainian journalist Ruslan Kotsaba received 3.5 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property for the call to boycott mobilization.

Previously, right-wing radical organizations helped the Uniates to attack the Annunciation Church in Kolomyia.

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