Address by Primate of UOC on 80th anniversary of political repressions of 1937-1938
His Beatitude noted that these events became one of the cruelest pages in history, "during this period thousands of innocent brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of not only Ukraine but also other nations were killed." Public grief was the result of absurd decisions and labelling representatives of different nationalities as "anti-Soviet elements".
Expressing condolences to the families of those died in those terrible times, the Primate said that the consequences of the political repressions of 1937-1938 should be a lesson not to repeat the mistakes of the past. "Bykovnia graves remind us all today that the socio-political ideas based on deliberate deception and search for imaginary enemies only generate tears and despair," said His Beatitude. "Because the development of the state is possible only on the basis of love, patience and mutual respect to the people, even if they are of opposing views."
"I sincerely wish all of us, prayerfully remembering the victims of the repressions, not to allow even the slightest persecution, either on political, religious, or any other grounds," emphasized His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufry. "Our task is not to confront each other, but to unite in common work for the benefit and prosperity of our Motherland."
The full text of the Address is published on the website of the Information and Education Department of the UOC.
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