Prayerful Standing at Verkhovna Rada (LIVE BROADCASTING)

On May 18 the UOC believers from the entire Ukraine, representatives of parishes and monasteries gathered near the walls of the Verkhovna Rada for a prayer service in view of the consideration of scandalous draft laws ##4128 and 4511. The UOJ is televising live from the venue.

The bill No. 4128 introduces amendments to the Law “On freedom of conscience and religious organizations.” It foresees that affiliation of a person to whatever religious organization is defined by means of his/her “self-identification” with this community and ensures the right to participate in its religious life. According to experts, this document will legalize church raiding being already rampant in Ukraine.

The bill No. 4511 "On the special status of religious organizations whose governing centers are located in the state, which is recognized by the Verkhovna Rada as an aggressor country" de facto subordinates the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to the Ministry of Culture.

There is an outcry caused by the consideration of these odious draft laws both in Ukraine and outside the country. The experts note such a discrimination of the believers’ rights was not observed even during the most violent persecutions of the Church under Stalin’s rule.

Lexo gjithashtu

UGO hap një degë në SHBA

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UGO hap një degë në Bullgari

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