Bills № 4128 and № 4511 are an attempt to impose a totalitarian practice on society, – expert (VIDEO)

If anti-church bills are adopted, this will negatively affect the image of Ukraine in the world, said the director of the Ukrainian Institute of Analysis and Policy Management Ruslan Bortnik at a press conference in UNIAN.

"If we plan to adopt some draft laws that concern tens of millions of people who are citizens of Ukraine, then an open dialogue on these bills should be held," stressed Ruslan Bortnik. "There should be some forums, meetings. If we talk about democratic societies, there such issues are submitted to consultative referendums. And such a dialogue in Ukraine did not take place."

The expert is sure that these bills violate three key legal positions.

"Firstly, this is interference in the activities of religious organizations. This is prohibited by all international legal acts. This is prohibited by the Constitution of Ukraine and the legislation, – said Bortnik. – Secondly, it is discrimination against one denomination. Again, this is prohibited by all international acts, the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine. Thirdly, this is the violation of the rights of citizens, the rights of believers. This violent means of governing the Church, which they intend to implement through these bills, is a gross violation of the rights to freedom of citizens.

The political expert stressed that believers whose rights are going to violate can win claims in the European Court and will have full right to material compensation from the state budget.

"I have already had a talk with one big European state which already got interested in this matter," Bortnik said. "And I am sure that this issue will go into the resolution of the next Council of Europe. The policy of Ukraine in this direction has already been condemned there. All this will negatively affect the image of Ukraine."

Lexo gjithashtu

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