Oleinik: standing in prayer on May 18 should remind Poroshenko and MPs that there is a limit to evil
"On the morning of May 18, Orthodox believers gather for a prayerful standing under the walls of the Verkhovna Rada to reason with the deputies. It is necessary to remind both Poroshenko and the "Maidan" deputies of the Verkhovna Rada that there is a limit to the evil they bring to Ukraine.
Poroshenko needs war and only war until the complete mutual destruction of the Ukrainian people, to cash in on this war and to plunder the resources of Ukraine with impunity.
Calling for peace, the UOC is the main enemy of Poroshenko. And now his word is going to play the key role in the preparation of two bills, one of which will lead to the seizure of UOC churches by schismatics, and another one, in fact, will make it possible for a diocese of the UOC to move under the control of Poroshenko’s clique.
The desire to fuel religious strife throughout the country will not go unpunished. They will have to answer both before the human court and the court of God," he stressed.
As the UOJ reported, bills № 4128 and № 4511 can become not only a new excuse for accusations of violations of religious rights by Ukraine, but also a "trigger" for irreversible decisions that can destroy the statehood of Ukraine as such.
Lexo gjithashtu
UGO hap një degë në Bullgari
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Pas votimit, për këtë detyrë të lartë u zgjodh Mitropoliti i Korçës, Imzot Joani (Peluşi).