Archpriest Alexander Klimenko speaks against anti-church bills (VIDEO)
“My word is not just a word of the priest but also of the citizen of Ukraine, a father who has many children, a person who is going to live here for further years. Don’t be swaying a boat!” said father Alexander. “Each of us at our place should do our best to preserve peace in the first line. These legislative initiatives which have agitated the society at large, a religious community, mass media having united in their condemning the bills and outrage of faithful citizens bear testimony to the fact that those whom peace in Ukraine depends on are unfortunately swaying the boat and cause new hull breaches. My word goes to you, legislators, and I urge you to strive for peace! Millions of people in the country are tired of conflicts; tired of being forced hatred instead of love.”
Archpriest Alexander Klimenko underscored anti-church bills can stir up the nation.
“My father is a surgeon with extended experience,” continued the winner of the “Voice of the Country-7” show. “Like any doctor he is aware of the law: do no harm! It would be good if alongside other words of allegiance a Member of Parliament also pronounced this simple commandment of a doctor “primum non nocere”. It will be regretful if theRada’s session hall turns into a place which adopts laws aimed at inflicting new and often incurable wounds, rather than love, elimination of evil and hostility. Chesterton once said that “the Church is experienced in coming out from the grave. The Church is capable of rebirth. Yet is it worth digging this grave for Her?”
Father Alexander is convinced we all have to work on raising our common house – a peaceful house to be also shared by our children and grandchildren.
Lexo gjithashtu
UGO hap një degë në SHBA
Organizata evropiane "Bashkimi i Gazetarëve Orthodhoksë" hapi një degë në Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës.
UGO hap një degë në Bullgari
Organizata evropiane "Bashkimi i Gazetarëve Orthodhoksë" hapi një degë në Republikën e Bullgarisë.
Patriarku Bartholomeu I dërgoj letër urimi Kryepishkopit të Ri të Shqipërisë
Vërteton për respektimin dhe dashurinë tonë me Krishtin duke uruar jetëgjatësi dhe një shërbim kryepiskopal të ndritshme.
Nga mjekues trupi në shërues shpirtrash, kush është kryepishkopi i ri orthodhoks?
Kryepishkopi i porsazgjedhur Imzot Joani ka qenë bashkëpunëtor i ngushtë i të ndjerit Kryepeshkopit Anastas për 32 vjet.
Fjala e Primatit të ri të Kishës Shqiptare z.Iaonis
Me përulësi duke ju bindur vullnetit hyjnor pranoj këtë shërbim të lart dhe premtoj që do ta zbatoj me devoshmëri detyrën time kryepriftërore.
Çfarë presin kleri i Kishës së Shqipërisë nga kryepeshkopi i tyre i ri
Të ruaj harmoninë me komunitet e tjera fetare që kemi pasur deri më sot fal punës së madhe të Kryepeshkopit Anastas.