Rabinovich: If Rada adopts antichurch bills, it has to be examined by emergency department psychiatrists
The initiators of “clerical” laws fancy separation and extermination of Ukraine, claimed unaffiliated Parliamentary Vadim Rabinovich. “What can one speak about here? Crazy people in a drunken state suffering hang-over after continued holidays come up with such things as “church laws”.
Everything has been destroyed in the country already, one has to make ends meet in the state, yet they want to separate it on the religious ground, to make matters worse.
It’s a dream of those who introduce such initiatives – to separate Ukraine and blatantly pit its citizens against one another. These state agents want to destroy one part of the population and to rule the remaining part as slaves,” says the politician.
According to him, scandalous draft laws have just a little chance of being adopted. “The current Verkhovna Rada can be thought insane, most MPs are challenged mentally. But I believe their sickness has not yet reached the point of voting positively for these bills. In the event the Parliament adopts them notwithstanding, then it has to be examined by the specialists from a psychiatric clinic,” concluded Rabinovich.
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Patriarku Bartholomeu I dërgoj letër urimi Kryepishkopit të Ri të Shqipërisë
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Fjala e Primatit të ri të Kishës Shqiptare z.Iaonis
Me përulësi duke ju bindur vullnetit hyjnor pranoj këtë shërbim të lart dhe premtoj që do ta zbatoj me devoshmëri detyrën time kryepriftërore.
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Pas votimit, për këtë detyrë të lartë u zgjodh Mitropoliti i Korçës, Imzot Joani (Peluşi).