Forces alien to Christianity are interested in supporting Filaret, – Bishop Bachsky Irenaeus

Representative of the Serbian Orthodox Church Bishop Bachsky Irenaeus expressed regret that Ukrainian church separatists were received at the Phanar. He mentioned about it during his meeting with Metropolitan of Zaporozhye Luke, writes the website of Zaporozhie diocese.

“When talking to the Ecumenical Patriarch I said, “If Denisenko is supported – it will lead to a new schism, but this time not between the West and the East, but in the East. Nobody needs it and understands it. Only the forces having nothing in common with Christianity are interested in this schism.”

“I did it honestly and told it to his face. I regret about the information that representatives of Ukrainian church separatists were received at the Phanar; some state agents who are not at all Orthodox also had come there with similar talks.

Of course, they pursue state interests by doing so. We have the same thing in Montenegro. The Church is turned into a political tool so that it would cater for governmental interests rather than its true goal. Anyway, I don’t think Patriarch Bartholomew will come to terms with schismatics,” said the Serbian Primate.

Lexo gjithashtu

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