Odessa activists hold an anti-religious march

On May 6, the so-called "March of Agnostics" was held in Odessa. About a dozen activists went to the building of the Odessa City Hall with posters of anti-religious content, reports the Timer.

In particular, on one of the posters the activists wrote a caricature version of the 10 commandments. Other posters also contained anti-religious writings and caricatures.

According to one of the march participants, former counsellor of Maria Gaidar, activist Victoria Sibir, the aim of the action was to draw attention to the fact that today the city authorities "pays attention only to the Orthodox, completely ignoring other denominations."

In her opinion, it is the funding of the Orthodox Church that prevents payments to ATO participants, doctors and teachers.

"We want to remind you that there are agnostics, atheists and other wonderful people in the city," said Sibir.

However, the organizers of the action could not explain how agnosticism, atheism and the rights of "other denominations" are connected. One of the participants held a poster with the words: "There is no God, but you hold up".

Recall agnosticism is a theory that states that the existence of God does not lend itself to either confirmation or refutation. "Agnosticism" is defined as "lack of knowledge". Agnosticism, in fact, is a more intellectually honest form of atheism. The difference is that atheists claim that God does not exist, and for them this is an irrefutable fact. Agnostics, in turn, say that the existence of God cannot be proved, or refuted, respectively, we cannot know whether He exists or not.

Lexo gjithashtu

Fronëzimi i Kryepishkopit të Ri të Tiranës, Durrësit dhe gjithë Shqipërisë Imzot Joani

"I bekuar është Ai që vjen në emrin e Zotit".

Intervistë e parë e Kryepishkopit të Tiranës, Durrësit dhe gjithë Shqipërisë Imzot Joani

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“Le t’i afrohemi pra me guxim fronit të hirit, që të marrim përdëllim dhe të gjejmë hir për ndihmë në kohë nevoje ” (v. 16)

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