Level God: In the "Simpsons" Jesus Christ is compared with Pokémon
In the cartoon, Springfield residents begin to play Peekimon Get, in which you must look for virtual monsters in various places. In one of the episodes it is shown how players enter the church, for which they only receive a remark from the pastor. In response, one of them says that "this game is more popular than Jesus Christ".
Commenting on the phrase about the popularity of Jesus Christ, Hieromonk Macarius (Markish), the leader of the Internet project "Father online", said that it "partly reflects the secularization of those societies in which these statements arise". In some cultures, Christ, according to the representative of the Church, is understood as a popular character and placed on a par with various brands. This, he noted, can be facilitated by methods of preaching by Western Christian denominations that "do not differ much from ordinary advertising".
In turn, the deputy head of the missionary department of the Moscow Patriarchate, Hegumen Serapion (Mitko) noted that there are a lot of themes in the "Simpsons" that "are typical for American society": "As far as I know, many churches of the US and Europe allow themselves much more than the Pokemon Go game. The degree of desacralization of the church space is very high there, and what is unacceptable in Russia is the norm in many countries where different directions of Western Christianity dominate," he explained.
As reported earlier, last August popular video blogger from Yekaterinburg Ruslan Sokolovsky, who filmed himself playing Pokémon Go inside the Church of the Savior on spilled Blood in Yekaterinburg, became a defendant in a criminal case. The video was accompanied by obscene language, stylized as a church hymn, and at the end of the recording, the blogger ridiculed the foundations of Christianity. Subsequently, a criminal case on the breach of the sanctity of religion was initiated against the blogger.
Lexo gjithashtu
Fjala e Kryepiskopit tē Tiranës, Durrësit edhe gjithë Shqipërisë Imzot Joanit në ditën e Fronëzimit
Do të falenderoj, o Zot, Perëndia im, me gjithë zemrën time, edhe do ta lavdëroj emrin tënd përjetë. Se e madhe është mëshira jote ndaj meje. (Ps. 85. 12-13)
Kryepiskopi Joan uron besimtarët myslimanë të Shqipërisë me rastin e Fitër Bajramit
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Imzot Joani bën përkujtimore në varrin e Kryepeshkopit të ndjerë Anastas
Kryepeshkopi Joan dhe Sinodi i Shenjtë bënë përkujtimore në varrin e kryepeshkopit të ndjerë Anastas Janullatos
Fronëzimi i Kryepiskopit të ri të Kishës Autoqefale të Shqipërisë
Në ceremoninë morën pjesë delegacione të Kishave Lokale Orthodhokse, përfaqësues zyrtarë të qeverive të Shqipërisë, Greqisë dhe vendeve të tjera.
Fronëzimi i Kryepiskopit Të Tiranës, Durrësit dhe Gjithë Shqipërisë, + Joanit
‘’I bekuar është ai që vjen në emrin e Zotit’’.
Fronëzimi i Kryepishkopit të Ri të Tiranës, Durrësit dhe gjithë Shqipërisë Imzot Joani
"I bekuar është Ai që vjen në emrin e Zotit".